Sunday, September 29, 2013

College Begins

It is hard to believe I have already completed 3 weeks of classes. I have already handed in major assignments and next week one of the classes has its final exam! We will be doing up to 3 classes at a time in a rather intense, accelerated pace --then get the mark and move on to different credit classes with the same teachers. Yes, it is being wonderful and yes, this is difficult!!!

 I think I should start by introducing my new cast of characters.

 There are 15 people in our class and we make quite the demographic picture, There are two men and 13 women, 2 of us are in our fifties , a few in their forties and thirties and  7 young women that are about 19 to 25. There are 4 that are living in the rural area outside of the city and have a long drive in every morning. There are several other people besides me with learning or health challenges.  We are all starting to form a group and learning to work with each other. How appropriate that the first assignment for the writing class is about group formation.

 We have 3 instructors.
T is an intense, jovial guy that has years and years in the Therapeutic Recreation field and has developed innovative programs and policies for personal care homes. I believe he holds degrees in Recreation, Kinesiology and also in Gerontology.
J., who is a lovely, knowledgeable woman  is very experienced in community based care.  She has a very warm approachable style coupled with a much more academic teaching approach than the other two instructors.
The last teacher, B., is the one I had last year when I took that course in Interpersonal Communication in order to prove that I really can do this. He comes from a background with law enforcement and has been a college instructor for about 30 years.  His classes in writing, interpersonal skills and computer skills are considered fundamental and he  teaches the same classes to many other social based programs throughout the college.

I want to keep this blog going but since I have so much writing with school I think I will try to write shorter but more frequent posts. I am learning a lot of interesting information that I would love to share and I am having lots of new experiences and meeting new challenges.

I look forward to telling you all about my new adventures.

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