September brings a lot of changes. Manitoba's weather becomes noticeably chillier, especially at night. This time of year, the shorter days start to impact our activities, the kids are back in school, and all the regular activities kick in. The speed of life seems to pick up a bit, and at the same time, the to-do list of things we need to do before winter kicks in seems to grows longer every day.
I see Fall as another reset button. What do we want to change and do differently in the coming year?
One significant change for me is that I decided, with a bit of coaxing from my family, that it is time to let go of my time as a Girl Guide Leader working directly with girls in a unit. I will stay involved and hope to be a substitute Guider helping out once in a while with various groups and still attending special events. Guiding also has a category of membership for people over 30 called the Trefoil Group, which is designed to support Guiding and also have fun events together as adults.
I still feel like I have a lot to offer but being a leader is a major time commitment. It can be challenging to volunteer weekly, and it was just zapping my energy. I have other recreation interests of my own to pursue, and I still have my part-time job. I have struggled with my role in Guiding for quite a few years now, but this year there is an official change in the girl's program and a very different style of management that is being implemented. I am perfectly comfortable with the changes, and in fact, we trialled it last year, but somehow I think the end of the old program is a good time to wrap up my responsibilities with the youth.
I am sad about this change.
Twenty-nine years of defining myself as a Guider and having a weekly obligation to guide girls into becoming young women was a privilege as well as a responsibility. I feel like I am giving up friends, community and part of my sense of purpose. It is like a volunteer version of retirement. You wonder if this is the right time, you plan for your departure but then you wonder "Did I do the right thing? What shall I do next?"
Change is inevitable, though, and sometimes you need to put yourself and your family first. I am looking forward to spending more time with my patient husband Bob who has been a fantastic supporter all these years. Guiding husbands are extraordinary people, indeed!
We are looking forward to new adventures and doing the things we have been putting off until we had more time. Maybe I will even find more time for Blogging!