Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Physiotherapy in the New Year

Today was my first real therapy session with my new physiotherapist and it went very well. He was very optimistic about the possibilities for good progress.

My biggest concerns are dizziness and balance issues and I have also developed a lot of pain in my "good" hip and leg. It is probably in response to my awkward gait. Tony is assuring me that we are going to do great things and it will make a real difference.

It feels like staring over with physio but that is a good thing. It is a new year, new therapist and a new set of goals. I am very proud of the progress I have made over the past two years and I think I got pretty complacent with where I have found myself. Now looking at how I am doing through the fresh eyes I can see where I still have a ways to go still and change is really still possible!

We went through a few exercises and he checked how well I could do them. I now have a new set of exercises for homework. We also worked on some balance tasks. (I am back to using the dreaded stabilization belt... sighhhhhhhh) Tony firmly stated that THOSE exercises were NOT for doing an home... yet.

I meet with my dietician next week and I know she has a whole new plan for me too.

''Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.'' ~ Hal Borland

It looks like I am well on the path to an even healthier 2011.

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