The points of this exercise will have been decision making to start with by picking the paper, following ordered directions, and some fine motors skills for my hand. I got really good at doing a lot of things one handed but paper folding wasn't one of them at that point; I actually needed to use that second hand a bit to make sharp folds. I persevered and managed to produce this little guy and I took him home and we hung him on our tree.
This little crane represents so much to me. It stands for peace and it is a reminder of a positive changing point in my recovery.
I am joining her and linking up with her weekly creative challenge this week "The Sunday Creative"
Madeline choose this topic in support of the people of Japan. She wrote:
You can submit your images to the 1000 Cranes for Japan Flickr group. Also, I’ve decided to make this week’s Sunday Creative prompt Crane as well to try and get even more participation, even more cranes, even more hope, and even more prayers. The Miya Company is offering to donate $5 for each of the first 1000 crane images they receive to the Save the Children for Japan’s relief and recovery.The Miya Company page is a nice informative page with a good goal. It includes a PDF with directions to make a crane. Check it out.
This crane is so beautiful. I keep beauty in my life with flowers - the flowers I plant in containers and flowers other people plant in their gardens. Having a stroke has shown me what makes me happy.
Thank-you Rebecca.
I have a lot of our nature photography on my lake blog. (the link is near the top of this blog) I hope you can visit that blog too and enjoy some of our wildflower pictures. I look forward to getting out and enjoying "nature" when it warms up in a month or two. The lake is very much the spot in the world that makes me the happiest.
You did that with one hand? I wish I could do that. I miss the use of my right hand so much it sometimes brings tears to my eyes.
Bravo to you!
Thanks Glynis,
I actually was just starting to get a bit of functional use out of my left hand at that point and I really wanted that bird to turn out nice. Motivation comes in all forms! lol
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